Notes on Installing Solaris on a PC, using VMWare
VMWare allows you to install a second operating system on your PC.
It is not the same as dual-boot, but it has certain advantages,
mainly that it presents a standard hardware set to the second operating system.
This solves the issue of searching for lots of drivers for the solaris install.
Also it makes backing up the state of the second operating system very easy,
which is useful if you are trying things that might break the system.
- Download VMWare Server from VMWare (
You have to register, but it's free.
- Install VMWare
- Create a new virtual machine;
These settings work, but others might too:
- custom
- Sun Solaris 10 (select name, location)
- private, user permissions
- one processor
- max recommended memory
- bridged network (NAT works too)
- new disk, IDE, 20GB, allocate now
- Download Solaris from Sun (
You have to register, but it's free.
You can download the CD (ISO) images and install directly from those,
no need to burn the actual CDs.
- Install Solaris
Choose the defaults, but de-select Kerberos.
The following disk config seems to work well
and provides a little flexibility for expansion:
slice filesys start size
0 / 131 1024
1 swap 3 128
2 [backup]
3 /ex/ho 1155 512
4 1667 256
5 1923 256
6 2179 256
7 2435 256
8 [full disk]
- After installation completes, system info & registry will start automatically.
You can cancel to complete later,
or enter the login information from your Sun registration.
- The following command will allow you to set a system name
setuname -n SYSTEMNAME
- If you have previously downloaded system patches,
copy them to /var/sadm/spool
- Get any additional patches:
smpatch download
- Back up any newly download patches to your patch storage location
- Install patches, using smpatch or the graphical patch manager interface
(Launch -> Applications -> Utilities -> Update Manager)
- To install download-only patches:
- copy the patch file (.jar) from /var/sadm/spool to /var/spool/patch
- right-click, expand
init 1
patchadd /var/spool/patch/PATCHNUMBER
init 3
- Install VMWare Tools:
- [VM window menu] VM -> Install VMWare Tools...
- copy to /Documents/download
- unzip files (rt-clk, Extract Here; refresh to see files)
use defaults
- mv /etc/hostname.pcno /etc/hostname.vmxnet0
- mv /etc/dhcp.pcn0 /etc/dhcp.vmxnet0
[ TO RUN TOOLS: /usr/bin/vmware-toolbox ]
- Fix screen resolution
In the following, substitute your native monitor resolution for 1440x900
in the italicized parts, and set the values which follow
to then next even mutiple of 100
(don't know why this works but it seems to).
- backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf
- edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
- in Section "Monitor" Identifier "vmware", add:
ModeLine "1440x900" 100 1440 1500 1600 1700 900 1000 1100 1200
- in Section Screen, add 1440x900 "Display" Subsections (depth 24),
and remove all other "Display" Subsections except VGA
- after boot, screen may be wrong;
right-click, choose correct setting
- Fix network indicator in system tray:
right-click on icon, choose vmxnet0
- Install OpenOffice
- download software and install guide from
- transfer .gz file to /var/spool/download/
- rt-clk; extract here; refresh
cd /Documents/download/OOF680_m14_native_packed-1_en-US.9134/packages
echo action=nocheck >admin
echo conflict=nocheck >>admin
echo idepend=nocheck >>admin
pkgadd -a admin -d . openoffice*
Please send feedback to alingelb at yahoo dot com